800-876-9477 [email protected]

Q-It Sales Forecasting

Insights and Key metrics for growth and profitability


Q-It Sales Forecasting helps Automotive Suppliers to see beyond the short-term forecast provided by EDI and their ERP/MRP system in a small fraction of the time it traditionally takes with the spreadsheet method.

Q-It Sales Forecasting was designed specifically for Automotive Suppliers, providing clear visibility of the complete Sales Forecast and history, including the ability to easily model multiple options and scenarios and then compare them side by side to better understand variances.


What makes Q-It Sales Forecasting software for automotive suppliers unique? For starters, it captures the program to part relationship, including takes rates and quantity per vehicle to help simplify the process. Q-It Sales Forecasting also accounts for the other typical automotive supplier variables such as raw material economic adjustments and long-term (price reduction) agreements to increase accuracy.


In addition, with Q-It Insights™ we’ve leveraged Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) to create dashboards that provide clear visibility of key metrics with actionable items on unsecured new business, which helps automotive suppliers measure performance while providing additional insight that helps improve their sales process and grow sales more profitably.

Learn more about how we can improve your business by exploring the many Q-It Feature and Benefits below!

     The Problem Is A Systems Gap

The reason automotive supplier’s resort to using so many spreadsheets and sending so many emails is because they’re suffering from a systems gap; and it turns out that this program, part and project management sh…tuff is complicated. 

Here (below) is our point-of-view of the automotive supplier business process and systems:       

Ready to get started?

If you’re interested in learning more about how Q-It will improve your business processes for automotive suppliers, please feel free to contact us by phone at 1-800-876-9477, or send an email to [email protected]



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