800-876-9477 [email protected]

Program Management

automotive program management software


Program Management for Automotive Suppliers is about connecting the relationship of the part(s) a supplier manufactures to the program or vehicle the part is associated with. Including having clear visibility of how part-timing lines up with program build events and milestones.

Our Program Management software was designed specifically for Automotive Suppliers, enabling them to group together parts that are common across a given program (vehicle), including the ability to easily identify the exact part version supplied for each program revision, such as the various pre-production build events that occur. 

What makes the Part-Book Program Management Planning software for automotive suppliers unique is that it accurately captures the Program to Part relationship, enabling suppliers to group together common part information in a way that will significantly reduce redundant data entry and the inefficient and ineffective practice of manually tracking tasks across spreadsheets. 

In addition, with the Part-Book Insights™ we’ve leveraged Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) to create dashboards that provide clear visibility of key metrics with actionable items that help automotive suppliers seize opportunities through an improved Customer Relationship Management experience that helps deepen customer loyalty and grow sales more profitably.

Learn more about how we can improve your business by exploring the many the Part-Book Feature and Benefits below!

Part-Book Features and Benefits

Customer Relationship Management

(CRM) software was designed specifically for Automotive Suppliers

Quote Management

improve the speed + accuracy of the quote process

Sales Forecasting

See beyond the short term forecast system in a small fraction of the time

Capacity Planning

Capture the program to part relationship, including takes rates and quantity per vehicle at every level 

Program Management

Enables suppliers to group together part info that will significantly reduce redundant data entry

Engineering Change Management

the ultimate software solution for helping Automotive Suppliers solve one of their most complex challenges

Project Management

The Part-Book focuses on things like quoting, product launch, and engineering change management processes

Financial Forecasting

See beyond the top-line revenue provided by a sales forecast, and further then the short-term forecast

Business Process Management

Our Project Tracking Matrix™ gives clear visibility of your projects (quote, product launch + engineering change) in process

Ready to get started?

If you’re interested in learning more about how the Part-Book will improve your business processes for automotive suppliers, please feel free to contact us by phone at 1-800-876-9477, or send an email to [email protected]